Only cowards use violence as a political instrument

LTTE Chief Velupillai Prabhakaran was one such terrorist who justified violence as a legitimate political instrument. Since the founding of LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) on May 5, 1976, this low-life had perpetuated such destruction and destitution on the minority Tamil population of Sri Lanka that a whole generation would pay a price for his twisted ego. Only a deranged mind would consider such cowards as freedom fighters. Tamilians in general, Sri Lankan Tamils in particular can learn a lot from leaders like Dalai Lama. The Tibetan struggle for independence is not only justified but also moral. It would certainly out live their spiritual leader, the honorable Dalai Lama. He is a true lion for his people, not a coward like Prabhakaran who had the audacity to call his ranks, “Tigers”! Tamil Tigers were simple terrorists.

Sri Lanka is the only homeland for the Sinhala majority population which is not the case for minority Tamil population. If the Sri Lankan Tamils feel discriminated by the Sinhalas, they should either grow up or migrate back to India. They have no right to demand a separate Eelam (Home) for minority Tamils, just like 3 million Indians living in the United States of America can not ask for a separate state in North America. Do you think Indians are not discriminated against in the USA? How are the Tamils treated in the United Kingdom? Can they start a violent struggle in UK for a separate Eelam? Tamilians are very bright people but their politics sucks. Whether it is their politics in the state of Tamil Nadu or Sri Lanka, Tamils are being seen as the Taliban of South India. World would rather have Tamilians like P Chidambaram!

India had the balls to save the Dalai Lama

Can you imagine what would have happened to Dalai Lama and his fellow Tibetans if India had also chickened out the way United States and Great Britain did? Fifty years later, the five ‘Goondas’ sit at the high-table of the ‘UN Security Council’ and lecture the world about human rights. Now, Americans like Richard Gere and Nancy Pelosi go running to Dharamsala, India to sympathize with Dalai Lama but never go back home to tell the dumb Americans what their country has done for the ‘Buddhist Monk’. The whole thing makes me sick to the stomach! What hypocrisy, what audacity?

India and the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru paid a heavy price for that in 1962. China took its frustrations out on India by a full scale ‘Invasion of NEFA’ (North-East Frontier Agency), south of McMahon Line and Aksai Chin in Kashmir. India had no formal ‘Defense Strategy’ till that time. Our front-line border forces were carrying manual-loading .303 Lee Enfield Rifles to protect the country. The Chinese with their automatic, Soviet made weapons, just walked through the ‘Indian Defenses’. They could have grabbed Dalai Lama from his sanctuary in Dharamsala if President John Kennedy had not come to India’s aid. Can you imagine if John F Kennedy had not won the elections in 1960 and Richard Nixon had become the US President at that time? There would have been no Dalai Lama alive or any place called Tibet any more! President Nixon always had a hard-on for India. Just THINK about that!

Dalai Lama on February 11, 2009 in Baden-Baden (Germany)

Tibetan monks embarrass China – 27 Mar 08

McMahon Line is India’s ‘Agni Rekha’

China poses a significant threat to India!

China poses a significant threat to India!

China wants India to block Dalai Lama’s Dharamsala meet. This was not a request but a demand. Can you imagine India making a similar demand on China? The two Asian giants have had a rocky relationship since the 1962 Indo-China war. Despite of the ‘Henderson Brooks Report’, India has lost major territories since 1857. China on the other hand has expanded substantially in the past hundred and fifty years, including Tibet. If someone tells me that China is a peaceful country and has no plans to acquire additional land, they are smoking something! Peaceful neighbors do not try to scuttle other countries’ international agreements (Indo-US nuclear deal).

China understands only one language, economic power and a military muscle. Why do you think it has not tried to grab some islands from Japan? China also recognizes that India has a week-kneed government. If it demands the deportation of Dalai Lama to China in return for Arunachal Pradesh, Congress government would have no problem throwing Dalai Lama under the bus. Had it not been for Atal Bihari Vajpayee government exploding the nuclear device in 1998, China would have grabbed some portion of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh by now. Whom are we kidding? All these academics talking about Nehru provoking the 1962 war is poppy-cock.

India needs to grow-up and behave like a regional power. China will just have to accept the fact that India has its own national interests and would guard them with all its might. Our bureaucracy and the academia must get rid of this China-complex. President George W Bush understands China’s threat to the fledgling democracies in Asia and offered India a security alliance. India behaves like a virgin scared of the first kiss! Thank God the new generations of Indians are not pansies like the rest of us and would therefore give China a kick for a kick. Destiny beckons us; we are the future of the world. Indians have far better brains than their Chinese counterparts. India would definitely over-take China by 2047 in all respects!

Globalization my ass…

What is Globalization? Thomas L. Friedman has a definition for it and so does Noam Chomsky. In simple words, it is supposed to be International Integration in all forms. But ask the 3.4 million refugees of Zimbabwe, millions of Tibetans and followers of Dalai Lama, or the ruffed-up Monks of Burma (Myanmar). They would find this question a very bad joke. I do not apologize for the decade-old success of Brazil, China, India or Russia. On the contrary, more power to all these countries and more. But to call this Globalization is a stretch. At best one can agree to identify this recent global phenomena as ‘International Economic Integration’.

What was the purpose of creating the “United Nations”, a term coined by Franklin D. Roosevelt (US President) in January of 1942? The stated aims of the United Nations were to prevent any future war, safeguard human rights around the world, establish some form of international law, promote social and economic justice, improve the living standards of people in all the countries and to fight deadly diseases. Have we achieved any of that? If yes, how much? It will be 63 years since UN was formed.

The United Nations was officially created  on October 24, 1945. Representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco to draw up the United Nations Charter. It replaced the League of Nations, created in 1919, after the First World War. The UN Charter was ratified by China, France, Soviet Union, United Kingdom and the United States. These five countries became permanent members of the UN Security Council, each with a veto power on any UN resolution. Today, there are 192 member states, representing almost every recognized independent country in the world. Unfortunately, the UN Security Council represents less than 30% of the world population. There is no representation from the continents of South America and Africa or for that matter any part of Muslim world or the Indian sub-continent.