Thomas Friedman is a smart man, but misinformed!

Tom Friedman wrote an editorial this morning in the New York Times titled, The Green Revolution(s), on the Iranian crisis. The point that Friedman is trying to make is that the autocracies like Iran are sustained because of petro dollars. He believes that if America stops consuming the Middle East oil, the theocracies of the region would be forced to accept political reforms. The United States of America does not import any oil from Iran because it produces mostly the heavy crude for which US does not have any refineries. Secondly, America does not have any diplomatic relations with Iran since 1979 revolution. Canada, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Venezuela and Nigeria are the main suppliers of crude oil to the United States. Another important point that Tom Friedman must consider is that China and India are becoming major consumers of Iranian Oil and both are investing billions of dollars in increasing the refining capacities for the heavy crude that countries like Iran export. Therefore, whatever America does or does not do would have virtually no impact on Iran or their rulers in the short run. Sentiments aside, Tom must understand the diminishing influence of the USA in the global oil market! Tom Friedman, please THINK about it!