Barack Obama has decided to isolate India!

This is the first time in the history of the Indian subcontinent that the United States of America has invited a Communist China to participate in South Asia. The proposal is part of a broad US push to enlist key allies of Pakistan in an effort to stabilize the country, the Boston Globe reported. Even more shocking is a muted response from India. Can you imagine if India was invited by America to intervene in Taiwan or North Korea? China would have thrown such a fit as the world has not seen before. Barack Obama administration seems to be oblivious of India’s security concerns. China is to India what Soviet Union was to the United States. Indians are extremely distrustful of China and its relationship with Pakistan. China is hell bent on provoking India to take some decisive action in Arunachal Pradesh that would justify its expansionist agenda. India has been too restrained as far as China or Pakistan is concerned. One more incident like 26/11 and all hell might break loose! Just THINK about it!

President Obama’s foreign policy is anything “un-Bush” and that is the essence of the above initiative. When Saudi Arabia is involved in Pakistan related affairs, India understands the history behind such involvement. Getting China involved in counterinsurgency training and supplying military equipment to Pakistan is absolutely insane. This imprudent strategy could prove disastrous for the region. Remember the Carter-Reagan Doctrine of 1980s that was responsible for the birth of Taliban? This could be even worse as the Obama Doctrine might succeed in suppressing the Taliban insurgency but embolden the Pakistani military. A re-equipped Pakistani military-ISI alliance could be the next big threat to Pakistan itself. No serious expert or analyst actually considers Pakistan ever becoming a stable democracy. There was an interesting and honest article by Fouad Ajami in The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday, May 26, 2009 titled, “Pakistan’s Struggle for Modernity”, that explains the dilemma.

Barack Obama’s insensitivity towards India is so glaring and un-Bush that Indian Foreign Office would be hard put to explain the attitude to the Indian Parliament. A large section of Indian opinion makers including this blogger believes that Obama is peeved with Indians for supporting Hillary Clinton in the US primaries. His personal dislike could put India at odds with the United States in the years to come. Pakistan is not the only issue in Obama’s arsenal! It started with tempering of H1-B visa restrictions, and then came the infamous “Say no to Bangalore, yes to Buffalo” and now the obvious coddling of China and Pakistan. Mr Obama is not an idiot; he is just being a populist jerk in the mold of Jimmy Carter! Unfortunately he is not dealing with the India of 1970s; he has to deal with the largest English speaking middle-class in the world. This English-speaking middle-class of India would be 300 million strong with a purchasing power greater than any other block in the whole wide world.