India had the balls to save the Dalai Lama

Can you imagine what would have happened to Dalai Lama and his fellow Tibetans if India had also chickened out the way United States and Great Britain did? Fifty years later, the five ‘Goondas’ sit at the high-table of the ‘UN Security Council’ and lecture the world about human rights. Now, Americans like Richard Gere and Nancy Pelosi go running to Dharamsala, India to sympathize with Dalai Lama but never go back home to tell the dumb Americans what their country has done for the ‘Buddhist Monk’. The whole thing makes me sick to the stomach! What hypocrisy, what audacity?

India and the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru paid a heavy price for that in 1962. China took its frustrations out on India by a full scale ‘Invasion of NEFA’ (North-East Frontier Agency), south of McMahon Line and Aksai Chin in Kashmir. India had no formal ‘Defense Strategy’ till that time. Our front-line border forces were carrying manual-loading .303 Lee Enfield Rifles to protect the country. The Chinese with their automatic, Soviet made weapons, just walked through the ‘Indian Defenses’. They could have grabbed Dalai Lama from his sanctuary in Dharamsala if President John Kennedy had not come to India’s aid. Can you imagine if John F Kennedy had not won the elections in 1960 and Richard Nixon had become the US President at that time? There would have been no Dalai Lama alive or any place called Tibet any more! President Nixon always had a hard-on for India. Just THINK about that!

Dalai Lama on February 11, 2009 in Baden-Baden (Germany)

Tibetan monks embarrass China – 27 Mar 08

McMahon Line is India’s ‘Agni Rekha’

China poses a significant threat to India!