Let us pay attention to the Maoist movement

Could China be encouraging the Maoist Movement in India? This possibility should not be ruled out. Every insurgency requires significant financial support besides a regular supply of arms and ammunition. Poor tribals and destitute farmers can not afford such sustained effort over decades. Who else but China benefits from such bleeding of India? The recent incursions by China along the Indian border are further evidence of China’s obsession with a rising India. No other country fears the rise of India than the ‘Communist China’. India defies the logic of Chinese ideology! They know in their hearts that Chinese nationalism is not enough to emerge as a great power and the Indian liberalism keeps reminding them of this contradiction. I am a firm believer of the limitations of an authoritarian regime. History is replete with such rise and fall of great powers like Japan, Germany and the erstwhile Soviet Union.

Coming back to the Maoist movement or ‘Naxalite Movement’ in India is a great opportunity for the ‘Indian Union’. It is an opportunity because otherwise nobody would have paid any attention to this vast population of India spread over five states – West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh – anytime soon. This is the result of a gross neglect of Eastern India by the central government and the respective state governments for past 6 decades. Ever since India’s independence in 1947, the Nehru-Gandhi cabal has shunned the ‘Eastern States of India’ like a plague. We are lucky that the entire region is still part of the ‘Union of India’. The Communist Parties of India have exploited the situation to their political advantage. Now the mainline communist leaders have no control over the Maoists guerrillas. The ‘Left Front’ has ruled over the state of West Bengal for more than 30 years and the Naxalite insurgency has only grown in that state. It is a joint failure of all political parties in India. Now is the time for the government to put the money where their mouth is!