Why no one talks about CNG in America?

CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) is a substitute for gasoline (petrol) for auto-industry in America and elsewhere in the world. It is considered to be a far more environmentally clean fuel compared to any other auto-fuel available. Then how come nobody talks about it in the United States of America? The answer is simple. This is one of the many areas of clean environment that America lags behind, even Pakistan! The media in this country would rather talk about John Edward’s (former Democratic presidential candidate) extramarital affair than anything meaningful like energy and environment. On top of that, there are jokers like Lou Dobbs of CNN who clench their teeth every evening and lecture the world about the virtues of this ‘Great Country’. Some Nerve! It is even more shameful to swallow all the garbage coming out of the media and be lectured about our responsibilities towards mother earth. Are you telling me that the likes of Al Gore are not aware of this hypocrisy?

“Natural Gas, in the form of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), has been used as a transportation fuel in vehicles for more than 60 years around the world. Comprised of about 95% methane, its clean burning properties, abundant supply and relatively low cost have made it a popular and environmentally sensitive fuel choice for drivers in Europe, Russia, South America, Australia and New Zealand, and the United States and Canada. There are over 1 million Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) on the road worldwide with thousands of public, fast-fill refueling stations to support them. Across Canada, there are about 120 stations that serve over 20,000 NGVs in most of the more densely populated areas across the country.” – Union Gas Limited

CNG is used in Canada as an economical auto-fuel since it is a substantial producer of natural gas. Canadian auto-industry has developed CNG-fueled truck and bus engines. In California, CNG is used extensively in local city and county buses. There are 90 public fueling stations in Southern California. Italy has the largest number of CNG vehicles in Europe and 4th largest in the world. Argentina and Brazil are two countries with largest fleets of CNG vehicles. CNG has grown into one of the major fuel sources used in car engines in Bangladesh, India, Iran and Pakistan. The use of CNG is mandated for the public transport system in New Delhi, India. The DTC (Delhi Transport Corporation) operates the world’s largest fleet of CNG buses. According to the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles, Pakistan has the second-largest number of Natural Gas Vehicles. How many people around the world are aware of all this information and talk about it?