India is a land of the Baniyas!

Everything in India is measured with money, how much do you earn, how much do you save etc. etc. It is the Baniya mentality that has kept the rate of savings so high in India. But then it is also the Baniya attitude that has left our infrastructure starved of investment. This ‘Baniyagiri’ could one day jeopardize our national security! Baniyas are basically traders, they buy cheap and they sell at a margin. Profit is all that they understand. National security is not the business of profit and loss; it is a matter of our survival. Six weeks have passed since the seize on Bombay ended on November 28, 2008, no investment has been made in any equipment or the infrastructure. Bombay is as vulnerable as it was before 26/11. Just THINK about it!

Mahatma Gandhi was not only a pacifist, he was also a Baniya. He often appalled the other leadership in India with his compromising statements. Do you THINK we have changed since? We talk and talk and talk till we drive the whole population crazy, but we do not act! Pakistan understands that and for that reason Pervez Musharraf (the rat) came out of his hole and scolded India. We should have the capacity to pick him up from his hide-out, bring him to India and lock him up in the bathroom till he promises to behave himself! My brother did that to me as a kid and see how I turned out? Seriously, we need to grow up and conduct our foreign policy such  that the world would believe us. The current gang of four does not inspire much confidence!

Baniyas also claim that they were the ones who taught the Jews how to do business, it is time we learn something else from the Jews of Jerusalem. The Jews in Israel have been pounded with bombs and bombers for the past 60 plus years, but they have learnt how to deal with unreasonable neighbors. India has a lot to learn from Israel and the Jews. We should stop being coy about our affinity with Israel and seek their expertise in dealing with our hostile neighborhood. Palaniappan Chidambaram, the current Union Minister of Home Affairs, could have allocated $1 billion towards the purchase of one million AK-47s and the state of the art bullet-proof jackets for our police force all over India within 7 days of taking over. Instead, he talked to Shekhar Gupta (Noted journalist and Indian Express Editor-in-Chief) about intelligence, coordination and management. Substance or lot more of Baniya talk?

Walk The Talk: P Chidambaram with Shekhar Gupta

Palaniappan Chidambaram new Home Minister admits security lapses