Democracy needs a strong Chief Executive

Legislators and Law Makers design a democracy by writing a constitution and then refining it from time to time. By inclination they are reluctant to give any real power to the executive. It is up to the head of the executive (President or the Prime Minister) branch to seize the necessary powers and then use them when necessary. The case in point is the United States of America and its executive branch. No such powers were given to the President of the United States under their constitution. It was the personal leadership of George Washington and then Andrew Jackson that resulted in a strong federal government. There were five American Presidents between Washington and Jackson who exercised limited executive powers. These ware John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe and John Quincy Adams. All five contributed a lot to their country but never used the executive powers like Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt or George W Bush.

When 9/11 happened in 2001, George W Bush and his administration scared the shit out of congress! The Republicans had the majority in both houses of congress but even the Democrats were willing to jump from the cliff. He not only launched two major wars but was successful in creating a whole new federal agency like ‘Homeland Security’. Bush authorized the establishment of Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp and even suspended the privacy rights of the US Citizens. It was kind of a State of Emergency imposed by the executive branch. Congress fretted and fumed but did very little to curb his powers. In return, he guaranteed the safety of the people of US here at home. Not a single act of terrorism was committed on the soil of United States since 9/11, 2001. How many leaders around the world can boast of such an achievement? You may agree or disagree with the methodology but in a weird way he fulfilled his responsibilities as the Head of the State. Just THINK about it!