Harry Truman was not ready to be the President!

Historians have the luxury of re-writing the history and they do it all the time. ‘Historical Biographies’ are rarely challenged because most of the historians belong to this exclusive club. Harry Truman and more recently Ronald Reagan are the two presidents who have been and are still being lionized by the historians. It does not matter whether they are stating the facts of just peddling their interpretations. Some of us who have lived through President Truman’s term recall the screw-ups differently. Just go through the newspapers of that time in America and around the world. Harry Truman was not the leader who led his country in the initial stages of his presidency. He was being led by the disgruntled bureaucracy from the times of FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt). When Truman was sworn in as President of the United States in April 1945, he had no clue as to what was happening around the world. He was kept completely out of the loop as far as the World War II was concerned. His early decisions were a testament to his complete ignorance as a politician and a President. FDR did not know or trust Senator Harry Truman.

The 1944 Democratic National Convention was held at the Chicago Stadium in Chicago, Illinois from July 19 to July 21, 1944. The convention resulted in the re-nomination of US President Franklin Roosevelt for an unprecedented fourth term. Senator Harry S Truman of Missouri was nominated for vice president.

Former President Harry Truman opposing JFK nomination