Gitmo should be the home for non-state terrorists

Gitmo (Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp) may have an image problem but it is the right place to hold non-state terrorists. India is demanding the extradition of 20 identified terrorists from Pakistan alleged to have been involved in the 26/11 carnage in Bombay, India. This is more of an emotional demand or request rather than a considered decision. Just imagine that Pakistan does comply and handovers the 20 listed individuals, India would immediately become a target of a potential hostage situation. The hard-core followers of these terrorist organizations would go all out to try and hijack a commercial airliner or some such high-value target. India is a liberal democracy and therefore a soft state for terrorists to exploit at will. We must think long and hard before we issue ultimatums to other countries.

President-elect Barack Obama would do well to reconsider his intentions to close-down Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. It should not be an ideological decision, instead he should appoint a bipartisan commission to review the merits of keeping or closing down such a facility. What he can do instead is to ban any form of torture at this detention facility by a simple executive order. Independent legal opinion is absolutely necessary to figure out how a non-state terrorist can be tried in a US or Indian court without creating a public relations nightmare for the law enforcement agencies. Campaign rhetoric is fine during the elections but governing is altogether a different ball game. This does not in any way condone the atrocities committed by the Bush administration. What I want is that Obama should THINK about it!

Close GITMO and End Military Commissions

John McCain – Closing Guantanamo Bay

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Gitmo Detainees