Fareed Zakaria, the next United States Secretary of State?

Fareed Zakaria is a rare political talent, available to be the next United States Secretary of State. He is a moderate and therefore could serve either a Republican or a Democratic President. A qualified journalist, now a major TV talk-show host, Fareed is a best-selling author. A graduate of Yale, he received his Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University. Fareed Zakaria is a soft-spoken, tough diplomat. He is politically well connected and yet very independent. Fareed wouldn’t be a political hack like the current incumbent.

The United States Secretary of State is the head of US Foreign Office (US Department of State). The Secretary of State is the highest ranked cabinet secretary and fourth in line of succession. The Department of Foreign Affairs was created by the Second Continental Congress, on January 10, 1781. George Washington reauthorized the Department on July 27, 1789 to be headed by a Secretary of Foreign Affairs. The first Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson.

The role of the United States Secretary of State has changed in the last 10 years. It has grown many folds and no individual with limited in-sight can handle such a complex assignment. The likes of Condoleezza Rice should never again hold such office. When she took over from Colin Powell in January 2005, it seemed so logical. Little did we know then that her only qualification was her loyalty to the Bush Family. She has proved to be such a political-hack that the next Secretary would have to do major repairs, internationally.