A Biswajeet in the Government of India…

Few can forget the talents of Biswajeet in the ‘Indian Film Industry’, pretty, smiling, singing and jumping around the trees in his white shoes. Those were the hey days of Bollywood. The 72 year old, Shivraj Patil, the ‘Minister for Home Affairs’ in the Government of India is no less talented. Patil is as immaculately dressed in white, as the actor Biswajeet in 60s and 70s with white shoes and a Dev Anand puff on his head. What is missing? Maybe a bit of lip gloss! Patil is as talented as our hero Biswajeet but can not run around the trees since he is already 72 years old. Other than that, nothing is missing! Every time there is a terrorist attack in India, i.e. every month, Shivraj Patil appears before the TV cameras and makes a statement. I do not listen to the statement anymore as we hear the same lines every time. What I do look forward to seeing is Shivraj Patil’s well clipped ‘Moustache’ and I wonder how does he manage to keep it clean slightly above his lips. With such enormous talent at our disposal, it is only a matter of time before India eliminates terrorism from the Indian sub-continent. America, are you not jealous of our talents?

Shivraj Vishwanath Patil was launched on the ‘National Political Stage’ by the former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi in 1980. He was inducted in the government as Minister of State for Defense. His loyalty to the ‘Gandhi Family’ kept him rising steadily through the ranks. Rajiv Gandhi inherited him from his mother and kept this jewel in his crown till he governed. Sonia Gandhi adopted him after Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated in 1991. When Congress came back to power in 2004, Patil was made the Home Minister although he lost the election from his Latur constituency in Maharashtra. He was brought in through Rajya Sabha like all other losers before him. Can you imagine his predecessor was Lal Krishna Advani, one of the strongest Home Ministers after Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel? What keeps these characters ticking is beyond me! Shivraj Patil was born in the village of Chakur in the Latur district of Maharashtra on October 12, 1935. He is a science graduate from Osmania University, Hyderabad and a law graduate from Bombay University.

Shivraj Patil (amarnath temple) -1