AfPak should be quarantined by US-NATO forces

President Barack Obama needs some informed advice on his AfPak (Afghanistan-Pakistan) policy! Contemporary crop of Democrats is the last group of people that he should depend on, including vice President Joe Biden. Obama needs advice from people like former ambassadors Robert Blackwill and Wendy Chamberlin to keep his administration in tune with ground realities. Both of these diplomats have spent time in India and Pakistan respectively. There are others working for the American think tanks who have comprehensive knowledge of the area. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke appears to be either out of touch or just following the administration instead of leading it. This is becoming an alarming situation by the day. Increasing America’s military footprint in the region would probably back-fire in the medium term. It is better to quarantine the AfPak region to contain the spread of Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Any spill over into Kashmir, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan or Turkmenistan could be catastrophic. Mercifully, Iran could take care of itself in that region.