A nuclear Iran is dangerous but a nuclear Pakistan is safe!

This is the foreign policy of Barack Obama administration. India should not be surprised by this development. Every time a Democrat enters the White House, he can not find India for the first four years. Remember the fat guy from Arkansas, he came to office in 1993 but did not discover India till May 11, 1998. He wasted five and a half years of bilateral trade and other global opportunities by not engaging India. This black guy from Chicago is no different; he would be a pain in the ass for India in his first term. Pakistanis meanwhile are jumping with joy saying, “Yes we can!”

My reaction to the whole ‘tamasha’ is, “Yes they did”. Pakistanis are experts in ‘topi lagana’ on American ‘shendi’. These guys in Washington DC are either morons or real crooks. President George W Bush and his administration pumped in $11 billion in Pakistan’s weapons program over a period of 7 years. Obama and Biden want to triple that amount! What do they hope to achieve at the end of four more years of insanity, more terror, more fundamentalism and more unstable subcontinent? There might be a silver lining for India in this ongoing perverted logic. Just THINK about it!

India could actually benefit from Obama’s affair with Pakistan. There could be a potential lull in cross-border terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir for the next few years. While Pakistanis are counting their ‘baksheesh’ from Americans, India could grow at 8-10% a year and build offensive and defensive capabilities against future Pakistani adventures. India must deploy a naval fleet off the coast of Gujarat. This naval fleet should consist of an aircraft carrier with multiple nuclear submarines keeping a close watch on Karachi and other developing ports on the coast of Pakistan.

Pashtunistan could become Obama’s Waterloo!

President Barack Obama could potentially relate to a word like ‘Waterloo’ but ‘Pashtunistan’ could be Latin to him. This is a dirty word in Pakistan as well as in Afghanistan, but this is the land where Taliban rules! Pashtunistan is a large area between Pakistan and Afghanistan where 41 million Pashtuns live. This entire region has already become a nightmare for the world but it threatens the very existence of Pakistan at this moment. Barack Obama administration is too busy fooling-around with internal squabbles to pay serious attention to this growing tumor.

The United States of America and President Obama have multiple options available to them in 2009 as far as Afghanistan-Pakistan is concerned. The first option and the most tempting of all is to say, “to heck with it” and leave the region completely like they did in 1989-92. What happened then? Mujahideen government took power in April 1992 in Kabul, Afghanistan. A civil war followed in 1993 and finally Taliban conquered Kandahar, Afghanistan in 1994. This was followed by Herat in 1995 and finally Jalalabad and Kabul in 1996. Taliban ruled Afghanistan from that point forward. Al-Qaida soon followed, planned and executed 9/11 thereafter!

The second option for the Obama administration is to stay the course and loose Pakistan month by month till the Taliban takes over the government in Islamabad, Pakistan. What are the implications of that for the United States? Taliban and therefore Al-Qaida rule in Pakistan means their access to the nuclear bomb or at least a dirty bomb and its potential of reaching the continental United States sometime within the first term of President Barack Obama. This scenario is not only feasible but highly probable and therefore the third option is being discussed.

Richard Holbrooke, Obama’s Special Envoy to Afghanistan-Pakistan, is in the region at this point discussing the third option with the leaders of Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. This option contemplates doubling the presence of American troops from 33,000 to 60,000 or more in Afghanistan and tries to eliminate the hard-core leadership of Taliban and Al-Qaida. This would mean a much higher cost in American ‘blood and treasure’ with no guarantee of any success anytime soon. This option also counts on a substantial support from the Pakistani civilian as well as military leadership. This clearly indicates that Americans have learnt nothing in 60 years!

Asma Jahangir needs to recalibrate her message!

The 19-Member delegation of social activists, journalists and intellectuals under the banner of “Peace Mission from Pakistan” visited New Delhi from 21st to 24th January 2009. Although the sentiment behind the ‘Peace Mission’ was much appreciated in India, the actual message infuriated the ordinary citizens. Any comparison with Pakistan by anybody is an anathema to Indians, and rightly so. Except for the same heritage, appearances and the language, there is nothing in common between the two states. Pakistan is to India what Mexico is to the United States of America. This comparison with Mexico invites a quick retort from Pakistan, “We are not Mexico and you are no America” and they are right. The problem is: India is an emerging power and Pakistan is not. It is impossible for Pakistanis to understand that because they grew up on the ‘hate India diet’. The dictators of Pakistan have ruled over a vast population of Pakistan with a single message of “hate India”!

Asma Jahangir, a noted human rights activist and the President of the Human Rights Commission for South Asia along with Jugnu Mohsin and other members of the delegation appeared on “We the People”, NDTV on February 2, 2009. Except for getting a sympathetic hearing from Farooq Abdullah and Mahesh Bhatt, they were not able to change even a single opinion. The reason for that is simple, Indians are not going to believe Pakistanis anytime soon after their reaction to 26/11 attacks on Bombay. Indians did not blame Pakistan till their government flip-flopped on their commitment to send the ISI chief to New Delhi soon after the attack. In fact, a few days before the Bombay carnage, Indians were warming-up to Asif Ali Zardari. His immediate reaction to 26/11 was sincere. Zardari made an about turn under pressure from ISI and the Pakistani Military soon after, and that is where they lost India. From that point forward Pakistani jingoism was unpalatable to India and rest of the world. Just listen to this creep, Zaid Hamid on Pakistan TV and you can visualize the future of that country. Asma jee you are fighting a loosing battle!

Pakistani Cook, Zaid Hamid: America will disintegrate

Cooking News, Zaid Schizo Hamid – Hate India Diet!


Pakistan fell off the civilized train…

General Pervez Musharraf, the former President of Pakistan, might some day be considered as a moderate Islamic leader by the historians. The current gang in Pakistan is not only dim-witted they are flexing their muscles as if they are sitting on top of the world’s biggest oil and gas reserves. Last November the Zardari government asked the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bail them out with a whopping $7.5 billion bail-out. Six weeks later they were ready to buy India’s share in a multi-billion dollar Iran-Pakistan-India gas pipeline! Did they win a jack-pot or something? Is this the way to manage an economy? Something is very strange about these people of Pakistan! What exactly are they looking for?

President Asif Ali Zardari said, “there’s a ‘little bit of India in every Pakistani and a little bit of Pakistan’ in every Indian” on November 24, 2008. Exactly a month later President Zardari said “India shouldn’t underestimate Pakistan”. What happened in these 30 days is a 180 degrees turn-around in ‘Pakistan’s Foreign Policy’. Instead of seizing the opportunity to eliminate the perpetrators of 26/11 attack on Bombay and thereby getting their own house in order, Pakistani Military made a political come back and forced the civilian government to talk tough to India. This would be fine if somebody in Pakistan was in charge of the militants. Unfortunately that is not the case. Pakistan has created a much bigger problem for itself!

Zardari-Gilani out-foxed the Indian leadership

Like it or not, Pakistani leadership has out-maneuvered the entire political establishment in India. Pakistan used the age old doctrine of “offense is the best defense” against India after the slaughter of 26/11 in Bombay, India. President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan fumbled in the first few hours of the tragedy in Bombay but within 12 hours Pakistani Military and their civilian leadership were on the same page. By the time India could recover from the well coordinated military-style commando raid on its financial capital, Pakistan launched an even more sophisticated diplomatic onslaught. It made India look like a belligerent aggressor! This is called diplomacy at its best. Compare this to the Indian goof-ups, it is absolutely stunning!

Asif Ali Zardari has shown the resilience of General Ayub Khan and the cunning of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. These two Pakistani politicians managed to steer Pakistan out of near disintegration during 50s through 70s. Zardari shows a fine combination of both Ayub Khan and Z A Bhutto. Unfortunately for Pakistan, the time is running out. India is least of their problem. The terror infrastructure that they have nurtured for the past 30 years will not give Zardari too much time to use his natural skills. Dawood Ibrahim and Lashkar-e-Taiba with the help of Taliban and al-Qaeda plan to take over the country or at least large parts of it for their own enterprise of drugs and crime.

India watches these developments in the neighborhood with no concept of dealing with this growing menace. Dr Manmohan Singh will go down in the Indian history as the most incompetent Prime Minister of India in 60 years. Sonia Gandhi has obviously learnt nothing from Indira Gandhi except for equally bad Hindi. External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and Defense Minister A K Anthony should be selling ‘pani puri’ and ‘ragda patties’ outside the Churchgate Station in Bombay. Just like R R Patil, Narayan Rane and Chhagan Bhujbal are now selling ‘chana bhatura’ across the road. All five are midgets and talk like jokers. While Pakistan plays a skillful diplomatic game, the Indian political leadership is complaining to the US, China and Saudi Arabia.

Does India look like an emerging power to you? If these clowns are re-elected next year, India would be fighting for survival, forget about rising. 80 years old Advani may not be very appealing but he is not going to let India be humiliated by a failed state! The government of Maharashtra should be prosecuted by Soli Sorabjee on behalf of the victims of Bombay terror attacks on 26/11 for gross negligence and failing to protect their citizens. This was a criminal delineation of duty. The State of Maharashtra misused the funds meant for the up gradation of equipment for Bombay Police and purchased sub-standard bullet-proof vests for the force. This is a very serious crime and the then Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Vilasrao Deshmukh and his deputy R R Patil who was also the Home Minister of Maharashtra along with the Bombay Police Commissioner should all go to jail for this. Indian citizens must do their solemn civic duty and vote these criminals out of power forever.