Zbigniew Brzezinski reflects a popular worldview of Americans

The former US national security adviser in the Carter administration, Zbigniew Brzezinski, truly represents the single-track world-view of the American people. His foreign policy views on Charlie Rose Show last night were reasonably reflective of the popular opinion in America, however ill-informed! His views on Iran are in line with the Barack Obama administration which is not surprising and for the moment not entirely bad. But after that, he comes back to his Jimmy Carter years and their infinite wisdom. Brzezinski maintains his confidence in the American power and its longevity like all such transplants that have done well in this country. Zbigniew Brzezinski was born in Poland in 1928 and moved to Canada in 1938 but beras his dislike for Russia like we in India do towards China. When Charlie Rose asked him about the superpower of 2050, he wisely stood by his host country but dismissed Russia in favor of China as the other alternative to the United States of America.

Let me remind Dr Brzezinski about a few facts that might help him make his arguments in future in case he wants to be taken seriously beyond America. Russia has a massive scientific infrastructure that China does not. Russia sent the Sputnik in 1957, China did not. Russia has a nuclear arsenal 10 times bigger than China and a state of the art delivery system. Russia is a formidable naval force next only to the United States. Russian Airforce is still lethal and poses a major challenge to the world powers. Russia is a major producer of energy and would remain a next exporter for decades. Russia remains a creative superpower even in the information technology. China can pretend all it wants and Americans can lionize China to their hearts content, that won’t change the facts on the ground. China is like an auto body-shop of the world that has not invented even a toy in the last 100 years or more. It copies every product or technology produced in the west or Russia. At best China would rise like post-war Japan and then subside like a second fiddle to the United States. China lacks the basic fundamentals of a superpower!