China is emerging as a major “loudmouth” of Asia

China would never match the erstwhile Soviet Union; forget about emerging as a world-power. The United States of America always needs a rival to compare its prowess and for that reason they first hype-up a potential adversary and then go all out and demolish it. China is too dumb to understand this simple superpower game. Its foreign exchange reserves are a gift from America. China’s intemperate statements against India in recent days are hilarious at best, stupid at worst! Just read a column in The Times of India by Indrani Bagchi on Thursday, June 18, 2009, “Why China is mad at India”. She quotes China’s Global Times as follows:

“India has long held contradictory views on China. Another big Asian country, India is frustrated that China’s rise has captured much of the world’s attention. Proud of its “advanced political system,” India feels superior to China. However, it faces a disappointing domestic situation, which is unstable compared with China’s.”

“India likes to brag about its sustainable development, but worries that it is being left behind by China. China is seen in India as both a potential threat and a competitor to surpass. “But India can’t actually compete with China in a number of areas, like international influence, overall national power and economic scale. India apparently has not yet realized this.”

The above statements could come out of a banana republic like Pakistan or a country that does not know how to communicate in English. If however, we take these jokers at their words, a statement like, “advanced political system” is like Greek to the Chinese crowd. What are they talking about? China has no political system; it is a repressive dictatorship, for crying out loud! It has no political history, no political parties, and no political institutions and for God sake, not even a written constitution. What political system is the Globes Times talking about? Let me remind my dumb neighbors, when Indira Gandhi performed a surgery on Pakistan in 1971, The United States of America, China and Pakistan watched the whole show like three monkeys. China had its chance to create some minor mischief at that time. India was a basket case in those days and had a bunch of jokers running the show. This is not the same India, just try something and you would get a fitting reply.