Iran is unlikely to plunge into a civil war

The fight in Iran is between Islam v/s Islam, it is a family feud. The west and the rest of the world is nothing more than silent spectators. Their values are in line with the rest of the Muslim world but not with the world. Neither side is either progressive or conservative, they are both fundamentally theocratic. To dignify any party in Iran as conservative is an insult to the English vocabulary. A conservative thinking is seeped in tradition and culture and highly introvert. Conservatives are neither flashy nor vocal, it goes against their grain. The turbanned mullahs of Iran are old and greedy dictators who would use any excuse to stay in power. Period! The current dispute is not amongst the two presidential candidates, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Mir Hossein Mousavi, it is a challenge from the former president Hashemi Rafsanjani to the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Both are old and ambitious and consummate politicians. This feud is not going to be settled on the streets of Tehran but behind the veils of Islam. Stay tuned for a prolonged engagement!