The star-power of Hillary Rodham Clinton!

When Hillary Rodham Clinton was nominated as the 67th United States Secretary of State, I was extremely skeptical of the whole idea. Since then I have not only moderated my views but have started to see some virtues in the whole concept. The United States Department of State has traditionally been under represented and under funded for the kind of mandate that it is supposed to execute. How can a US department of such import be funded at $35.1 billion a year when at the same time the United States Department of Defense cannot manage its affairs in even $786 billion a year? The implication is obvious; the United States of America uses its military muscle more than its diplomatic power. Ironically, it was Hillary Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, who compounded the problem by appointing two non-stars as Secretaries of State during his two terms in the office. Warren Christopher and Madeleine Albright created more problems than they solved. Both were non-political appointments and both tried to micro-manage the US foreign policy. Hillary Clinton is politically savvy and knows the importance of delegation of authority. She appears to be a pretty good manager of her department!