The Marathi ‘chipkali’ is not to be seen since 26/11!

Ever since the terrorist attack on Bombay, that little ‘chipkali’ from Maharashtra and his goons are not to be seen in Bombay. So much has happened since 26/11 in Bombay and around the country but not a word from that hideous little chipkali (Raj Thackeray) or his uncle Bal Thackeray! Did they get scared of the terrorists from Pakistan? Citizen rallies were organized and the electronic media was on an over-drive, yet no sign of ‘chacha bhatija’! Everyone was calling Bombay by its original name and not the Marathi concoction ‘Mumbai’, but no threats. They must be shit-scared not to come out of their hole! The worst news for these two is the removal of their buddies, Vilasrao Deshmukh and R R Patil from the scene. The new Chief Minister might can them.

Every tragedy must be used as an opportunity to do little bit better. That is the Japanese way, they try to do something better every day. I do not expect Bombay to change for the better. what I do expect is a little better ‘Coast Guard’ of India in terms of equipment and training.  So do I expect for the Bombay Police. Better weapons, safer bullet-proof jackets, bullet-proof vehicles and of course much better training for the entire force. The amount of money that we invest in our internal and external security would be directly proportional to the money we save from such terrorist attacks. This was not the first attack on our financial capital and this would not be the last one either. What we can do is to learn from our mistakes and improve our ‘crisis infrastructure’! Ratan Tata spoke about such a concept post 26/11 in Bombay.

The growing population of non-Marathi population is also a very welcome development for the metropolis. We saw scores of young people on the streets of Bombay protesting against the inefficient and corrupt state government post 26/11 attacks. The public pressure was such that even the impotent government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was forced to replace the two morons (Deshmukh &Patil). It is early to make any judgment about their replacements but they would be little more careful for some time at least. There is just too much at stake in Bombay and India Inc better come up with a working plan to get rid of these rural Marathis from governing our financial life-line. Bombay could be reconstituted as a state like Delhi or at least be governed by an executive Mayor. This is the time to THINK!

Understanding Mumbai Attacks : By Salman Rushdie

Salman Rushdie on 26/11

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