Sachin Tendulkar is the only Marathi left…

There was a time when the Indian Cricket Team was dominated by cricketers from Maharashtra, specially from Bombay. Today, Sachin Tendulkar is the only Maharashtrian left in Team India. It is a matter of months before he too retires and then there would be no Marathi representation from the state. Does that mean that Raj Thackeray would not allow any cricket matches to be played in Bombay’s Brabourne Stadium or Wankhede Stadium unless there are a certain percentage of Marathis in the team? Even if Munaf Patel and Rohit Sharma are in the team, they are not the sons of the soil! The point I am trying to make is that we are one country and one people. Sachin Tendulkar is the pride of all India and not just Maharashtra!

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar was born on April 24, 1973 in Bombay, India. His father Ramesh Tendulkar, a Marathi novelist, named Tendulkar after his favorite music director, Sachin Dev Burman. Tendulkar attended Sharadashram Vidyamandir (High School), where he began his cricketing career under the guidance of his coach and mentor, Ramakant Achrekar. Sachin wanted to be a fast bowler but Australian pace bowler Dennis Lillee discouraged him to do that. Instead, Lillee urged Sachin to focus on his batting. On December 11, 1988, aged just 15 years and 232 days, Tendulkar scored 100 not-out in his debut first-class match for Bombay against Gujarat, making him the youngest cricketer to score a century on his first-class debut.

11 Responses

  1. Dear Mr. Anti Marathi

    I m a Marthi person & i m proud to be. You north Indians says that all the development of Maharashtra is the result of only & only becoz of u people. But let me clarify you one thing that its not your people but becoz of our Maharashtrian society our rich cultuer, our broad minded people, our social security etc. We never did any kind of discrimination. Take the ex. of Delhi how safe it is for ladies? Is their any social security, let me tell u Islamabad is more safer than Delhi for Ladies despite the TERRIOREST activities.
    So are u proud to call Delhi as our capital. Worst situation is about U.P & Bihar. After the Independence till now most of the MP’s & Minister’s are from these states. But still they are one of the backward states.
    I do accept that your people have played a big role for the development of Maharashtra BUT it was not at all possible without the support of our RICH & BROAD MINDED SOCIETY.
    You NORTH INDIANS always scream that u people r competitive & talented That’s why u r successful here. Yes agreed & congrats for the same. But at the same time we all need to study & understand one thing that in any society all of the people are not top performer- some r top performer & others r average performer. Here (Maharashtra) we don’t have problem with the top performer they r successful in their respective Job / Business. Here problem arises when it comes to average performer Becoz due to the one of the developed state, Maharashtra it also attracts other backward states Talented & skilled people. So our people have to compete with them & its obvious that you NORTH INDIANS will grab the opportunity.
    So the problem is with these backward states BCOZ of their backwardness the opportunity gets concentrated only in Maharashtra.
    We offered you security, freedom of language & rich society.
    TRY TO GET ALL THESE THINGS IN SOUTH INDIA. They successfully preserved their beautiful culture, their language by avoiding you people & hence you will not see any N.INDIAN dare to celebrate U.P Divas & Chat Puja in mass. And more interestingly this U.P Divas is being celebrated only in Mumbai not even in U.P, how funny it is???
    About Railway Exams the adds have been given only in N. Indian States so how partial & mean u people are ? And at last GOD only knows the final selector (N. Indians) are partial or not.
    At last about the labors or hawkers of NORTH INDIA, these people dont have any family or home in Maharashtra. They leave on footpath or 15 to 20 people in a rented room. Our Maharashtrian labor / hawkers they do have family they have to manage expenses of their children’s education, monthly ration, electricity bill, etc.
    Now tell me HONESTLY is it possible for a common Maharashtrian to compete with these people???

    From depth of my HEART i am saying this that i am not feeling Happy to write all this stuff. After all before a Maharashtrian i am an Indian & ofcourse i am proud to be. Lots of ANTIMARATHI emails awoke me to do so.

  2. Its really funny to see North Indians hijacking bus with a countrymade pistol and shooting bullets instead North Indians has to develop their own states and cities for employment opportunities rather migrating to developed western & southern Indian cities.Its easy to migrate rather developing their own land but it is better if they can sustain in their own land which will give them respect.Its funny to see few days back north indian kids falling into open borewells (due to under development) now north Indian guys running with pistols…CRAZY people…:)


    1. We should not send our kids to schools, unless we can fix the exams. Then we should teach them how to handle a katta, so they can go terrorize citizens by holding bus passengers hostage.

    2. We should make Hindi as an official language, so people from the Hindi belt have a natural advantage at capturing central government jobs.

    3. We should rig our elections so bad, that the center can’t conceive an election in our state unless they send the Army.

    4. Bollywood stars should be given farmer status in UP, so they can buy prime farming land in rest of India.

    5. Exams for government transportation jobs should be advertised in North India in only select languages so not everyone has an equal opportunity at getting the jobs.

    6. We should convince the US Department of Labor to stop the labor certification process before giving H1B visa and Green Cards for Indian nationals.

    7. We should send our politicians to celebrate Chaath Pooja in other states so they can make statements like “UP tho hamaari hain, ab Maharashtra ki Bari hain” and thus bring the entire country to the lowest common denominator.

    8. We should start direct train services to cities and states that are trying to develop and create jobs, because we can’t do the same in our home state. As far as trains that only run within the states are concerned, we should burn them every time some one points that we need to take the responsibility of developing our state.

    9. 40% or so of the taxes collected from Maharashtra should be used to build the Metro in New Delhi and as fodder for scams so we can live as parasites while farmers in Maharashtra commit suicide.

    10. Let us create more Kashmir’s, Punjabs and North Easts by letting more people know that they have no stake in the future of the country.

    11. Let us create a socio-economic environment where no MNC would ever want to come to our state and if they dare to, we’ll create enough un-rest that they’ll just pack their bags and go back to the lousy places they came from in the first place.

    12. Let us also force public sector banks and companies to use Hindi so that more job opportunities are created for people from the Hindi belt. When that is done, let us force it on private and multi-national companies as well so all Hindi speaking people move around in India with a righteous sense of entitlement.

    13. We apparently grow a lot of rice. So, we should ask the government to fix the price exorbitantly high, so that our farmers can make a lot of money, while the rest of the country goes to the dogs (i.e. us anyways).

    14. We should not purchase the TATA Nano, because it is designed by Maharashtrians.

    15. We should build a railway track from my home town to the town of my in-laws, even if my family is the only one to use it.

    16. We should hold a Bhojpuri literature meet in the US, a bigger and better event that the ones Maharashtrians are holding in the Silicon Valley next year.

  4. The basic issue is socio-economic. Caused by mass scale and uncontrolled migration of unskilled or skilled labor from one place to another. Migrants will always take jobs from locals simply because they will work for less, live in temporary or shared shanties and work 24 hours. Their costs in their hometowns are much lower than in urban cities. This is exactly what needs to be addressed. Average Maharashtrian cannot afford to work for less because he stays with his family and sends kids to school and pays for higher costs in Maharahstra. It is simply not true that the North Indian workers are getting jobs because they are better, what is true is they are willing to work for much less and much longer because essentially things are much worse where they come from.

    Maharahstra has been highly industrialised for decades because the locals have always been disciplined, skilled and highly dedicated workers. To ignore this fact and say they are not good enough and cannot compete is insulting to Maharashtrians.

    Some pople are quick to compare the situation with migrants in the USA, convenienty forgetting that any visa based migration is basically a controlled one and aimed at filling the vacancies. What is happening is Maharashtra is simply unacceptable to Maharashtrians.

    To simply term the above situation as law and order or communal problem is ridiculous.

    People in Maharahstra are not communal, if they were then Shiv Sena would have ruled for more than 5 years out of 60 years post-independence. But the anger and frustration in Maharahstra is rising as they are being equated en-masse with MNS and labelled as, good-for-nothing, fascists and making un-fair demands. Their contribution to Mumbai is being rubbished with typical Indian arrogance. Gun toting mad men are being hailed as martyrs. Leaders in the North are ganging up and talking of punishing Maharahstra. The national media has resorted to a completely one sided reporting dictated by commercial compulsions. the entire country in general is up against Maharashtra.

    Quite frankly the Maharashtrian people are feeling alienated from the rest of India like never before. Many are beginning to question the wisdom of remaining a part of India. The concept of one country works as long as people feel they have a common future and benefit from it. If these issues are not addressed sensitively and if interestes of Maharashtrian people are ignored at the cost of others, there is likelyhood that you will see a situation like in Kashmir, Khalistan and North East.

  5. Harshal :
    I cannot agree more with you on the alienation.
    However , a couple of points :
    1> I see the alienation taking more dangerous turn in Bihar as compared to Maharashtra.
    2> Immigration has always been messy. It just so happens that we Marathi Speaking People happen to be locals in a industrialised state (a little more about this in the points below) and therefore have the luxury of shouting “Bhaiyya Hatao” (or whatever… earlier it was “lungi hatao” – get it ?)
    3> Industrialization of Maharashtra for a larger part of post independance history has mostly been gravitating towards Mumbi. This explains more immigration to Mumbai as against other Cities (Pune , off late, has been a exception though).
    4> Locals (Marathi speaking ones) – especially those who haven’t much benefitted from service sector growth have always felt betrayed (and rightfully so) over the lack of or scarce opportunities. Add to it a large swathe of people migrating from other parts of India, this adds to frustration and anger. It is this anger that Shiv-Sena used and MNS is using now. It must be noted though, the overall Maharashtra development situation has been getting worse (be it Power, Drinkable Water, Agriculture…) . Neither of the two Senas (MNS and ShivSena) really have the calibre beyond harnessing anger and frustration.
    5> In the context of this situation – it is small incidents that tend to get magnified in public psyche and create communal (in this case – linguistic) discord.
    6> Finally, we have to remember that MNS need not be unqualified representative of Marathi people. There were much better ones – remember Vijay Tendulkar , anybody ?

  6. I am sure that not a single bihari will make it to indian cricket team. and the next tendulakr will also be from maharashtra. what makes me worry is that nowadays marathis have to compete againts all of the non-marathis who are in large number in the state and the rest of the sates in india. so for a marathi, getting selected in the Indian cricket team is not that easy.

  7. Mahendra Singh Dhoni, India’s cricket team captain is a former Bihari!

  8. Pavan,

    Leave cricket away from Politics….if you are a Bihari, why can’t you counsel Bihari leader to focus on state Development. They are ruling Bihar for decades ensuring thousands migrate out of state for livelihood.

    Lalu is keen on Nitish Kumar’s wicket with Mass resignation. With his resignation card he will be in power next time. I really pity state of Bihar.

  9. Pavan,

    Why do some of your illiterate readers feel you are from Bihar? You are from India, and that is good enough for me. I did not realize somewhere in the last 20 years India has become Maharashtra vs Bihar! India is one country and will NOT be divided.

    Thank you very much!

  10. @Mr.Pavan Gupta,

    For your kind information, Rohit Sharma (even though he carries the surname “Sharma” with him) is a Maharashtrian. He was born in Bansod in Nagpur and he speaks Marathi at home.

    His mother has roots in Andhra Pradesh and so, he speaks a bit of Telugu as well, but he himself has admitted that he can’t speak Telugu fluently as he has always been speaking Marathi at home.

  11. Thanks for the information, this makes me feel much better!

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