Paul Krugman sounded tentative and hesitant…

Charlie Rose invited Paul Krugman as a guest on his show last night and had a discussion on the current status of the US and the global economy. Paul was rather too cautious and tentative in his responses. This reinforces my hunch that the economic situation is far more serious that the economists would have us believe! Krugman has been a very vocal and unapologetic liberal all these years. His so called “progressive” economic policies have been lapped-up by most of the academia and liberal think-tanks. I have been a skeptic of his brand of social engineering my whole life. What I do not dispute is his wide-ranging knowledge about complex economic issues here in the US and around the world. Paul Krugman is no political hack like Alan Greenspan or a dandy like Jack Kemp or Phil Gramm. If the next administration was to keep Ron Paul and Paul Krugman on the ‘Council of Economic Advisers’, I for one would breath much easier. This Treasury Secretary, Hank Paulson makes me very nervous!

Paul Krugman says “I’d blame Alan Greenspan and Phil Gramm”