Bajrang Dal must be banned immediately

Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Shiv Sena are all criminal organizations and must be banned without any delay. At the same time, the Central Government must also ban the Indian Mujahideen (IM), Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and All Parties Hurriyat Conference. These are all anti-national outfits and do not represent either Hindus or Muslims on the main street. I am personally a ‘Hindu Hardliner’ and I take pride in India. My family has spent blood and treasure for the last 150 years for the freedom of India when these so-called Hindus were nowhere to be seen. Once we kicked the British out of the country, the phony Hindus come out on the streets. I am no pseudo-secularist but I take pride in our diversity. Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and all the minorities are our own blood. So what if they follow a different god, Don’t we all? Stop this ‘Hindutva’ garbage!

Bal Thackeray – An Interview @ Aajtak – Part-1

Bal Thackeray – An Interview @ Aajtak – Part-2

Bal Thackeray – An Interview @ Aajtak – Part-3

One Response

  1. IF we will ban VHP, BAJRANG DAL, then u will find more SIMI , TIMI XYZ ABC terrorist organizations in our country.

    please try to understand first whom shall be banned , why should be bannned.

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