Unfortunately, Barack Obama remains a black candidate!

The 2008 Democratic Caucuses in Iowa, held on January 3, 2008, put US Senator Barack Obama on the national stage. He not only won the contest but never looked back again. He managed to push his over-confident but formidable rival, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton out of the race by June 3, 2008. How did Obama achieve that is not the point here. What happened since then is far more important.

Barack Obama has been a quick-study since he decided to run for the President. Understandably, he had very little experience to lead anything, leave aside this country. But he is smart, very well educated and eager to learn and more importantly, surrounds himself with smart advisers. He is well received around the world and people, by and large, are ready to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Unfortunately, Barack Obama and his crowd refused to learn from the whipping he got from Hillary Clinton towards the end of the primaries. Middle America obviously does not appreciate any male candidate (specially a black man), insulting a white woman, particularly in that age group. What he did learn was that his wife (Michelle Obama) was not really the most pleasant personality and therefore decided to put her away till after the general elections. She is a very angry black woman!

In the current political environment, literally a donkey could win by 5% on a Democratic ticket. Then why is Obama having such problems? The fact of the matter is that Senator Barack Obama needs the Clintons badly and not the other way around. But he, his wife and the blacks in general believe that they would win the Presidency with or without the support of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Probably!

Blacks in America must understand that winning a ‘Presidential Election’ is only the beginning of a very long ordeal. Ask George W Bush, he somehow managed to muzzle his way in the White House in 2001. He would leave Washington on January 20, 2009, a defeated President, according to his own party. A President Obama could face a far more hostile Democratic Party within 2009. He has not been able to reach out to the Hillary supporters, forget about the Clintons. On top of that, an obnoxious and loud Chris Rock going around bad-mouthing Bill and Hillary Clinton is not much of a help to a struggling Obama campaign. If Chris Rock thinks he is funny, wait till he faces a larger crowd. He may sound funny to Blacks, not to me!

High-pitched Chris Rock on Clinton “She Laust (lost)” on ‘Letterman’

One Response

  1. I am a black woman. If McCain where a black man I would not vote for him. If Obama was a white man I would vote for him. It’s the issues not the color of his skin.

    I was originally for Hilary Clinton. Not because she was a woman but because I felt she had a better chance and better backing. Obama I believed was too inexperience. Although his ability to work with others and to understand issues and to motivate has proved that he has what is needed. Additionally, he is the only Candidate remaining who I can support.

    I wish the name calling and stereotyping would stop. This country has big problems and McCain thinks the middle class is anyone who makes less than 5M a year. He will not help make things better. He will continue to cause the downward fall. I earn about 115K per year and I’m feeling the pinch. I can only image what most American families are experiencing.

    America is losing the war within its own borders. The separation of its people based on race and religion. We need to remember the importance of equality for all and the value of separation of church and state. Most of all we need government for the people and not about the people.

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