Why did Blacks in America not ask for a separate country?

Few minorities in the world have been treated as badly as the Blacks in America and the Jews in Germany. Yet, neither fought back and asked for secession. On the flip side, Muslim minority in India ruled over the majority for 900 years, brutalized the population for the better part, lost the country to even a smaller minority of Britishers and to top it all, when independence from the British became inevitable, indulged in ethnic cleansing from the Muslim majority areas and got a separate country for Muslims only. Sounds reasonable? Well, it did to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan who believed that Muslims must rule over majority Hindus but not the other way round! Hindus and all non-Muslims were Kafirs (non-believers) and therefore not acceptable to Muslims. Now, does it make sense? Well, the whole point is, Muslims consider themselves to be superior to all races, specially Jews and Hindus. Why? I asked my well-educated colleagues in America and they just demurred. This needs a discussion.

Just THINK about it!

The way white Americans have treated Blacks through history, had they asked for a separate country, it would have been perfectly reasonable. Blacks were not discriminated against, they were lynched and beaten and humiliated. During JFK (John F Kennedy) administration, there were riots that could have gone out of control. The riots were not only controlled, but channelized into a ‘Civil Rights Movement’. Largely peaceful and led by non-violent leaders, the movement has achieved so much for blacks in America. One of them could be the next President of America. How is this possible? Are we missing something here? Credit must be given to Martin Luther King, Jr and his colleagues for keeping the movement peaceful and progressive. There were elements like Malcolm X who could have turned the Civil Rights Movement into something very violent. Credit must also go to President Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy administrations for keeping the criminal elements like the Ku Klux Klan away from the movement.

No such wisdom prevailed in India.

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Bahadur was born in Delhi on October 17, 1817. Born into Mughal nobility, Sir Syed was trained in Persian, Arabic, Urdu and religious subjects. He took an active part in the Mughal court’s cultural activities. Sir Syed pursued the study of medicine but had to discontinue formal education due to the untimely death of his father in 1838. He was bestowed the title of Arif Jung by the Last Mughal, Bahadur Shah Zafar. Financial problems pushed Sir Syed to assume the editorship of his brother’s ‘Journal’ and reject to serve the Mughal Court. Seeing the decline of the Mughal political power, he joined the British Civil Service. Sir Syed was promoted to be a munshi in 1840. For the next 17 years, he continued to work as a jurist and authored several books of great consequence. The Mutiny of 1857 changed everything for Syed Ahmed Khan. He and other prominent Muslims took this as a defeat of the Muslim society. He lost close relatives in the violence, including his mother.

Syed Ahmed Khan blamed East India Company for the Indian Mutiny but gained respect for the British power. He cultivated working relationship for the Muslims with British authorities. Sir Syed established a madrassa in Muradabad, UP in 1859. Once he was transferred to Aligarh, UP (Uttar Pradesh), Sir Syed founded the Scientific Society of Aligarh.