George Bush is not the only problem…

…US Congress appears to be a bigger problem. There seems to be no national consensus on anything. Congress has a very different perception of the world as compared to the Executive Branch. Congress failed the country when it really mattered. US Congress capitulated to the administration, when the war against Iraq was to be authorized. A majority of 77 Senators voted for the resolution on October 11, 2002, without sufficient due-diligence. These elected representatives got scared after the 9-11 attacks and did not have the political will to take their time and think of the consequences. What is the guarantee that they will not make the same mistake again? Next time probably failing to act! There are very few people in the Senate, who have the caliber of Senators Richard Lugar or Senator Joseph Biden. Even these two failed to stand up to the administration and ask some tough questions.

The biggest concern is the American Media. It is not so much that the print media has let us down, but the more dangerous and much popular TV/cable Media, that should be a cause of great concern. Look around all the networks, from CNN to NBC, all the way to Fox News, CBS, ABC and others. None have a voice of authority and the intellect to honestly inform people. You have Brit Hume, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Shepard Smith and Greta Van Susteren at Fox News, touting the Republican propaganda on the right. The only exception being Neil Cavuto, but then he is not political. On the flip side we have Tom Brokaw, Late Tim Russert, Chris Matthews, Brian Williams, Keith Obermann, John Seigenthaler, Dan Abrams, Lester Holt, David Gregory, Joe Scarborough, Matt Lauer, Andrea Mitchell and many more at NBC Networks, peddling their Liberal-Agenda and pretending to be even-handed. It is a sad situation. CNN is no better. Where do we go for some honest reporting?