Never waste a former President!

A two-term limit for an American President is not a bad idea as long as you don’t waste the valuable experience. With the exception of George Herbert Walker Bush (41st President), there has been no President in recent memory, who came to the office of The President of the United States of America, with any foreign policy experience. Every time a new President came to office, he screwed-up in his first-term but wised-up in the second term. By the time that experience becomes really effective, it is time to leave for the next President. Who is the loser?

Bill Clinton made a huge mistake by not seeking the advice of George H. W. Bush and James A. Baker III, when dealing with the Middle East. The duo had phenomenal influence with Palestinians and the Israelis. We would have had a peace-deal 10 years back. The current President, George W Bush also made a huge mistake by not enlisting the support of President Bill Clinton and some of his advisers like Strobe Talbert to keep the European Union on board when dealing with global issues. Who lost in the end? Are we going to make the same mistake again?

It does not matter who the next President is going to be. What matters is that ‘American Interests’ are preserved and protected, thereby not create additional problems for the world. We do not have the luxury of time with us. We do not have the option to experiment in the first term. You want to pull out of Iraq or stay there for a while longer, is not the problem. The problem is the neglect of the rest of the strategic theaters in US foreign policy. President George W Bush and Robert Gates (current US secretary of Defense) have great relationship with the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries. Please do not screw that up.